| Sailboat Dynamics |
 | The Sailing Simulator (IBM PC comp.) |
 | Advanced Racing Simulator (Mac & Windows/DOS 5.25). |
 | Fleetwise Tactitian (Mac & PC/DOS 3.5 PC/DOS 5.25). |
 | Schnack's Tack (PC/DOS 3.5 PC/DOS 5.25). |
 | Tactics and Strategy. (Mac & Windows/DOS 5.25). |
 | Fleetwise Helmsman. (Mac & Windows/DOS 5.25) |
 | Yacht Racing Rules in Action (PC/DOS 3.5 PC/DOS 5.25). |
 | Coastal Cruising. (Mac & Windows/DOS3.5 Windows/DOS5.25) |
 | Sailing Master. (Mac & Windows/DOS3.5 Windows/DOS5.25). |
 | Stevtec Simulator |