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eath.jpg (5964 bytes)
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    Official Internet Sites
     horcflag.jpg (1839 bytes) Hellenic Offshore Racing Club (P.O.I.A.Th.)
    Club Skipper: Manos Roudas



     flagnoa.gif (1139 bytes) Yacht Racing Club of Athens (Y.R.C.A.)
    Club Skipper: Akis Magriotis
    flagnoesmal.gif (2288 bytes) Yacht Club of Greece (Y.C.G.)
      Nautical Club of Palaion Faliron (N.O.P.F.) All clubs in Greece
    (address & Tel. catalog, in Greek)
    More Sailing Clubs on the Internet .
      Corfou Sailing Club (I.O.K)  
      Pireus Sailing Club (I.O.P.)  
      Nautical Athletic League   (N.A.S)  
    Note: Still any Club, or Class is in need for guidance
    the Web Skipper is more than happy to provide, at any time.




    Terms are no longer applied. (just not deleted, for the History!!) Don't forget SailingGr started 2-Nov.1995!

    Developing a Club's web site
    From these web pages the Sailing clubs in Greece will be presented, free of charge.
    Each club will have it's own web site and it will be contacted through the "The Greek Sailing Web" pages or as an independent site, giving directly the URL address.
    This way the clubs will take advantage of an "almost unlimited" free space to use and the "Club's Skipper" will be able to update the data by FTP, using his own login and password.
    Please check "small print restrictions" (in Greek only)