and an overall description of 1995 regatta
by Alkis Mangriotis IU.
The Aegean Race FINAL Results
Detailed Report by
Costas Tsantilis skipper of "Anything X" in English and in Greek. The report was submitted to Yacht club of Greece".
Report by Alkis Mangriotis, skipper of "Sidhartha".
The report was submitted to "Sea & Yachting"
Pictures showing the position of the participating boats at various
intervals, as it was reported by the "Argos" navigating system. Dimitris
Zeinakis the YRCA computer officer made it possible to print collected information from
"Argos", many thanks Dimitris.
Presentation of participating yachts and their crews (catalogues in
Gr as well). Photos of the boat and/ or teams may be included.
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